Copilot/Bot services

Design intelligent, dynamic, and connected AI assistants for employees and customers with Copilot Studio.

Create copilot studio bot

Why Custom copilots?

Key Benefits of custom copilots

Why create a Custom Copilot or Bot on your own data? Here are some of the important reasons to do your data integration with Custom Copilot.

  • Personalized GPTs or Copilots
  • Rolling out Copilot within the organization which works on your private or enterprise data
  • Create use case-specific bots for your organization department,
  • FAQ bots like HR Policy Bot, Leave Policies, Sales Enablement Bot, TimeSheet Bot, IT Support FAQ Bot
  • Contracts Helper Bot
  • Utilizing the capabilities of Generative AI with the Power of low-code
  • Easily publish the Bot to the Teams and many other channels

Channels Supported


we offer creating custom bots/copilots for your organization

Copilot with SharePoint data

We’ll help you create Copilot with your own SharePoint site integration, wherein, the copilot/bot will be getting the knowledge base from the different data sources of SharePoint site like lists, libraries etc.
We can also customize the answers to respond to some prompts in certain ways.

Here are some assistant bots we setup

We at binaryRoots provide personalized solutions

We’ll go extra mile to deliver quality services

Microsoft 365

Boost workplace efficiency, productivity, and collaboration, while creating a thriving work environment


Give employees instant and secure access to the business intelligence and mission-critical documents 

Integrating M365 Data into Custom Apps 

Easily integrate your custom applications with M365 data without the need for repeated synchronization 

Take Your Business to Greater Heights with Team Apps

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